Thursday, March 24, 2011

uhWhaaaaaa?!? A second post? No way!!

Yep, I think it has been sufficiently long enough to prove that I indeed don't have any intentions of blogging with any sort of regularity. It has also been just long enough that maybe I have a few interesting tidbits to share with my devoted fans. So buckle up, grab a snack, and call a friend over, because we use the buddy system here and everybody likes a nice snack.

Step 1: Bowling
As all of my followers know (yes, my blog has followers), a year ago I posted that I had set the goal of bowling over 200 before I die. (If you aren't one of my many devoted fans, just scroll down a quarter page to the post from last year to get yourself updated) It actually wasn't very long after I set the goal for myself that I accomplished the amazing feat. Since that time I have bowled over 200 six or seven times. My highest score so far is 211.

BOOM!!!! Insert photographic proof.

Unfortunately, my life is not yet fulfilled. I still haven't beaten Sara's 237. But soon, and then I will be ready to give up the ghost and leave this life.

Step 2: School
Contrary to what I said before, it turns out that I really didn't want to go into public relations. This may or may not have been influenced by the fact that BYU told me I wasn't good enough for their Public Relations program. We will never know for sure. So instead I'm studying Recreation Management. It's really called Recreation Management and Youth Leadership, but I don't like saying the whole name because the Youth Leadership part makes it sound pretty pansie. So far it seems like this is a good major for me, minus all of the classes I've taken so far that have an emphasis on what to do if you're disabled. (Despite what you may believe, I don't actually have a disability) The classes for the major have a lot of small business application, which is what I really want to do. So, if the stars align and I eat enough vegetables, I should be graduating in April 2012. Which is pretty good considering that it's only 3 years behind schedule.

Step 3: The Ladies
Next topic.

Step 4: Picture
I've been told that posting pictures on your blog makes it like a billion times more interesting. So here you go.

Step 5: Game Time
To keep things interesting we're going to play a little game. The first person to comment on this post and tell me the correct number of fish in my coy pond on the right will get a shoutout in my next post. Hint: It's harder than you think.

And there you have it. I'm sure that will hold you over for another year. I'll see you guys in 2012.


  1. 9 fishes? Also, yay for a new post!
    also, I want more information on step 3.

  2. I love that I am good enough friends with you to have already known about everything that you posted about!

  3. 12. Twelve fish in the fish pond. :)

    Also, I really like the pictures!

  4. Oh are delightful. And so is your blog. And so are your fishies. Who knew you were so funny? Just kidding. I did. I submit that you continue blogging. Also, I think we really need to find and watch DuckTales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp. Maybe you would like'a the floss?

    P.S. When (and by when I mean if) you beat the 237 I will throw you a party.

  5. Footerhead! I am way behind on my blog reading (like 6 months to be exact)and just read your new entry. Well done!! Keep bloggin', my friend--you are a natural. I, on the other hand, have apparently retired from blogging. I count 9 fishies. Love you!
